Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A bright and sunny future...

is in store for us. Nate is still in Mesa with his brother and things are looking up! He's having a great time and I am a little jealous. Okay... maybe a lot jealous. I mean come on, he's in sunny, 60˚ weather, spending as much time outside as possible and i'm here. getting over a being sick, working, and in the gloomy 30˚ weather shoveling the 2 feet of snow we got one night. Ugh. BUT... he's down there getting things ready for us to move soon. I just hope it's before it gets extremely hot and I get to enjoy the good time of the year. I'll keep you posted.

Can't wait to see these all over the place!
AND take pictures of the beautiful terrain!
☀ I'll post them for you ☀


Chelsey said...

I didn't know you guys are moving?! Did Nate get a new job? That'll be exciting and give us an excuse to have to visit Arizona! ;)

Nathan and Nicki Griffiths said...

you are definitely invited to come down anytime. well... after we actually move. but yes... we will be moving soon. Nate is starting his own business there. A sleep lab. He's down there doing meeting after meeting to get things going and he's doing great. We should be there hopefully within a month or two. We're done with the whole utah two seasons thing. lol how are you guys doing? we should all go to dinner sometime.